“Prior to about 1960, Indians used Ghee high heat cooking. Other vegetable oils were used for pickling, added to chutneys and otherwise used in low heat cooking or raw food”
When we were kids, all the cooking done was in Cow Ghee.
Desi Cow Ghee was considered good for health. In winter, a spoonful of ghee would protect us against colds, and ghee with a few peppercorns added was supposed to improve your eyesight. Now the question is – Where can I buy Desi Cow Ghee? Buy ghee online at our online store. Visit our website https://sureshdesighee.com/ to know more.
By the time we became teenagers, Ghee had undergone a total transformation. Ghee was exposed as the baddie it was. In those days, people didn’t use words like cholesterol, or triglycerides, but desi ghee became the prime suspect if people put on too much weight and developed heart problems.
So what did one use as a substitute for the so-called “Villainous Ghee”?
The answer was a generic product called vanaspati.
It was widely believed that, unlike desi ghee, vanaspati wouldn’t make you put on weight, or get heart disease.

Ads, showing a proudly smiling mom feeding her family stacks of parathas and puris, all fried in vanaspati, endorsed the goodness of this new-found cooking medium.
Cooking oil was a staple food item in every household. While there were several types of cooking oil, vegetable oils became the most popular cooking oils in India.
The – horror of horrors– it was revealed that vanaspati oil was made of something called hydrogenated fat which was as deadly to your health as the hydrogen bomb it sounded like.
Hydrogenated fat would block your arteries and was a sure-fire recipe for a coronary attack. So everyone switched to cooking with oil. For soon oil wars broke out as to which oils were healthy, and which were not.
Unfortunately, there are many safety issues plaguing cooking oils, and one of the biggest is that of rancidity. Rancidity of cooking oil is one of the biggest risk to people’s health in India, and we need to be aware of the risks associated with it, as well as the simple steps required to reduce these health risks.
Nutritionists say that asli ghee, after all, is not just the most healthy of cooking mediums, but also the most tasteful.
Grass-fed Cow Milk Ghee has it’s own unique benefits. Ghee made from the milk of grass-fed cows is significantly higher in conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) than that made from milk obtained from grain-fed cows. Though no conclusive data exists to prove that CLA can increase weight it does appear to have other important health benefits. Namely, the reduction of risk for development of heart disease (1), Type 2 diabetes (2) and cancer (3,4) in individuals who regularly consume grass-fed meat and dairy as part of an overall healthy diet.
Not to worry if you haven’t replaced Vegetable oil to desi ghee. It’s never too late when it comes to making a positive change for good health.

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There are many benefits to using desi ghee in your day to day cooking that far outweigh any of the cons.
Ghee has a high smoke point
The smoke point is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing an oil to cook with. Especially when you are cooking food at a high flame, which is the case with all Indian food items.
Medicinal properties of desi ghee
Desi ghee is sometimes like the very welcome free gift on a purchase which comes as a surprise. There is so much it has to offer but so little we know about it. Since ancient times, desi ghee is considered to be very healthy. In fact, it is used extensively in Ayurveda too as a treatment for many diseases.

Ghee is easily digested :
Want to avoid that unpleasant feeling of heaviness after having your meal, especially something fried in oil? That’s something that doesn’t exist when you eat food cooked in desi ghee. Desi ghee makes even fiber-rich food easy to digest without making you feel heavy and bloated.
Process of producing oils vs. desi ghee
The refining process that store-bought variant oils goes through involves the addition of chemicals and application of really high temperatures. This results in a chemical residue which is unnecessary and unhealthy.
Ghee is better for your heart
If you have a cholesterol problem, don’t have ghee they say. They are all wrong. Ghee, actually, has many antioxidants that help protect the heart and many other organs in the body. These antioxidant fight against the development of fatty deposits in the arteries.
Ghee provides Vitamin K
Grass Fed cow ghee contains the highly elusive nutrient vitamin K2. K2 Vitamin is the shuttle that transports calcium into your bones. You can eat as much calcium as you want but it won’t strengthen your bones unless it is accompanied by vitamin K2. (Source: Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox) As a fat-soluble vitamin, it requires the fatty acids in desi ghee for absorption.
Ghee is a good source of cholesterol
Further, the cholesterol in desi ghee is something to revere, not fear. Science tells us that cholesterol does not cause atherosclerosis. As a healing agent in the body, levels of cholesterol rise during periods of stress or when swelling is present. Providing cholesterol through good quality fats, such as grass-fed cow ghee, allows the body to help address the inflammation.
Promotes eye health
Ghee or clarified butter has good amounts of vitamin A, an antioxidant which has an essential role in protecting eye health. This antioxidant is powerful enough to eliminate & neutralize free radicals that attack the macular cells. This prevents macular degeneration and the development of cataracts, says the study.
Fights inflammation
Sometimes, inflammation can be a normal immune response to aid defend the body against foreign invaders. But when inflammation for a long time can contribute to the development of chronic diseases. According to a study, consuming ghee has been shown to inhibit inflammation due to the presence of butyrate acid. This will prevent inflammatory conditions such as Alzheimer’s diabetes, arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, etc.
Strengthens bones
Having small portions of desi cow ghee with your meal can meet your vitamin K requirements. Vitamin K is an important vitamin that helps in keeping your bones and teeth healthy and strong. This vitamin works by increasing the amount of bone proteins (osteocalcin) which are required to maintain the calcium in the bones.
Provides Warmth
According to Ayurveda, ghee has the ability to keep you warm from within during chilly seasons. Along with the warming, cool and neutral properties of ghee, it is known to be one of the nutritional things to include in your kitchen pantry. Furthermore, Ghee has a high concentration of essential fats, antioxidants, as well as butyric acid, which leaves an anti-inflammatory and digestive benefits. A human body effectively metabolizes such lipids, leaving a consistent source of energy. Regular consumption of ghee nourishes the body and helps in the production of heat, which is important for balancing an ideal body temperature during winter season.
Prevents from Allergies
Some of the most common ailments like cold and cough can be taken care of with the use of desi ghee as it has both anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, which makes it effective in curing coughs and colds. A mucus-filled nose could possibly be the worst aspect of winter. Therefore, Ayurveda suggests a nasal drop remedy that may aid in relaxing the blockage in clogged noses. Experts of Ayurved name it as the Nyasa therapy for blocked nasal passage and which includes pouring a few drops of warm pure cow ghee straight into the nostrils to clear the blockage. Ensuring that the consistency of ghee is pure and kept at lukewarm temperature as well as it is necessary to consult an Ayurvedic expert before you begin with the therapy.
Prevents from Cancer Cell
Ghee is a rich source of butyric acid which is a short-chain of essential fatty acid with potential anti-cancer effects. According to studies, butyric acid has been known to prevent the growth of cancer causing cells, encourage apoptosis (regulate cell death), and block the generation of tumors. Although, it’s necessary to make sure that the proof related to the specific cancer-preventing qualities of ghee is limited and furthermore study is required.
Interestingly, low blood cholesterol levels are connected with the following:
- A higher risk of mortality
- A higher risk of depression
- A higher risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease
One area of confusion is the labeling of LDL (bad) cholesterol” and HDL (good) cholesterol.” We know that high levels of HDL cholesterol is beneficial and we know there are subtypes of LDL cholesterol. When you consume desi ghee, in moderation, of course, you increase your body’s ability to get rid of the bad cholesterol. It’s no surprise that desi cow ghee is considered as the healthiest fat for consumption even in Ayurveda.
This is just another dietary fad whereby one consumable gives way and another takes over, in a constant game of give-and-take? Or, in this case, ghee-and-take?
Where it comes from
Desi ghee is very important in Indian cuisine. Ghee is used not only in cooking but also in, Skin Care, Massage, Hindu rituals, and Ayurvedic medicine. In his book, On Food and Cooking, Harold McGee says that pure ghee was probably born of necessity: Butter spoils quickly in the heat, while ghee keeps for a long time and is shelf-stable.
How to use it
Because ghee is pure fat, it has a much higher smoke point compared to butter (milk solids burn at a relatively low temperature). That means you can use it for high-heat sautéing or frying, much as you would peanut or canola oil. You can certainly use it in any Indian recipe, but it’s delicious flavor works well in many contexts. It makes simple sautéed vegetables incredibly delicious.
Pure Desi Ghee Price Online: 1 kg Ghee Price is Rs 2400/-
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